Rainy Sunday 7: On reunions after years & what it means to "feeling good"

Rainy Sunday 7: On reunions after years & what it means to "feeling good"


What does it mean to "be good" when somebody you have not seen for years asks you how you have been? Deconstructing these questions, what it potentially means and how I respond to it nowadays, it the content of this Rainy Sunday.

This week's Rainy Sunday will be short. I have lots of stuff to do due to the vacation I granted myself at my family’s in Italy. So, let's dive in:

What does it mean to be "good" when somebody asks "How are you?"

I had a few interesting reunions within the last week. Two of the guys I have not seen since my Bachelor studies between 2013 and 2016 in Halle (Saale) and the other person I haven't seen in 10 years.

I think it is very interesting that you usually start to talk about how you are and how you have been. Especially if you have not seen somebody this long, the question of how you are can mean several things:

  • How are you right now at this very moment?
  • How are you compared to the last time we spoke?
  • How satisfied are you in general with how your life has progressed recently?

I guess most people do not really think about it when they are asking about it. But I believe that they mean the third version of it. Because this is what is interesting to others when they haven't seen you recently: Are you satisfied with how things are going in your life and how they went?

That is really a tough question because if you are busy with everyday life you may not wonder about that question as often as you should. So I took my time to respond to it, with every meeting more to be precise and honest.

My last and most distinct response was that I have never been better in my life. It does not mean what most people think, so waking up every day with a smile on your face, having super high energy, sharing positivity everywhere at any time.

I talked about this with my mum and I think she was on point with her reflection: It means that you feel deeply relaxed when approaching your everyday life. Examples are:

  • You are not worried about money and money-related stuff that might impact your existence
  • You can go out or meet a friend that you love spending time with at any time
  • You are not worried about challenges that are coming up because they feel completely manageable
  • You are not depending on anybody
  • Your self-esteem is not (completely) extracted from feedback
  • You feel that you are growing

That is where I am at. And I am unbelievably grateful for it. I have great clients, I have the best friends, I can work from wherever and whenever I want, and my family is healthy.

Another interesting observation is that being fully satisfied makes you a bit lazy. It also feels like you are losing a bit because the goals you set yourself are less compelling. How can life get any better?

The obvious response is starting a family, but I am still far away from achieving this goal.

But aside from that, I am not sure how I would be able to feel any better.

Back to the reunions

Meeting somebody after a long time is a very cool experience. You sort of know that you will get along and have a good time. On the other hand part of you wonders if they might have changed in a way you might not like.

In the end, you realize that both of you have changed, but you still get along because the underlying values, which already created a bond in the first phase of your acquaintance, are still there.

I appreciate these conversations as they are almost always at least partially a reflection of your development in personality since meeting this particular person.

One person was my dance partner when I did my traditional dance courses between the ages of 15 and 17 (12-14 years ago). I remember (and she does, too) that I chose her very fast and intuitively. It's interesting to realize that some personality traits have always been there escorting you along "the way" like my assertiveness when it comes to making decisions.

I realized that the same basic principle of having the same/similar values is true for mixing different groups of friends, too. In the past, I hesitated to bring together different friends from different phases of life. Now, I even brought them to my origins in Italy, and it was the greatest experience.

It brings tears to my eyes. Which is really not difficult as I am currently tearing up very fast.

Correct prediction nr. 1: semiconductors

I predicted in RS5 that globalization would be reversed by the US and the EU regarding critical infrastructure for supply chains.

Last week the Association for German industrial corporations BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie) - one of the most influential groups in Germany - published a paper in which they demanded a secured supply chain for semiconductors. Meaning either producing it ourselves or having it delivered by supply chains which "are not politically manipulated or otherwise compromisable".

Currently, the EU produces around 10% of worldwide semiconductors. They plan to increase it to 20% by 2030. The BDI demands to raise the goal to 30%.

I am not a financial advisor, but perhaps it makes sense to look into some of those companies.
