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All Articles

Juli 10
9 gefährliche Lügen, die wir uns selbst erzählen | UniV 9
Juni 25
Idole, Vorbilder und Tim Ferriss | UniV 8
Juni 11
Die 4 Arten von Glück | UniV 7
Mai 29
Lebensprinzipien aus dem Urlaub | UniV 6
Mai 15
UniV 5 | Warum “glücklich sein” ein dämliches Ziel ist
Mai 15
Influence | Wie man (andere) überzeugt - Robert Cialdini
Mai 15
Stufen 3 und 4 als Framework zum Meistern der persönlichen Finanzen
Apr. 30
Ein 4-Stufen-Framework zum Meistern der persönlichen Finanzen | UniV 4
Apr. 16
Mit wem wir wie viel unserer Lebenszeit verbringen | UniV 3
Apr. 11
Fork 15 | The science behind many meetings: How Short breaks in between meetings affect mental health & performance
Apr. 01
Wie die “Four Idols” dein Leben beeinflussen | UniV 2
März 20
Fork 13: Silicon Valley Bank Failure | A Story of underestimating risk management
März 18
Wie du den Weg zum Universalisten startest | UniV 1
Jan. 20
How to manage your Manager | Fork 9
Jan. 06
Fork 8 | (Necessary) Trends for 2023
Dez. 19
Fork 7 | Building trust by Overdelivering
Dez. 19
Fork 6 | The Essentials to be Productive in 2022 | Email & Account Mgmt
Nov. 11
Fork 5 | Knowledge Work - Introducing the Framework
Nov. 01
Fork 4 | Knowledge Work - What everybody is missing and how it sabotages progress in Organizations
Sep. 25
Rainy Sunday 32: Mein 30. Geburtstag (2)
Sep. 09
Fork 3 | Reflecting on my "career"​ after turning 30
Sep. 09
Fork 2 | Why I was afraid of posting the last article but still did it
Aug. 30
Rainy Sunday 31: Mein 30. Geburtstag (1)
Aug. 14
Rainy Sunday 30: Ein Geburtstag, der mir im Kopf bleiben wird - Content-Netzwerkeffekte
Aug. 01
Fork 1 | Why are people on LinkedIn acting pretentious and cringy?
Juli 17
Rainy Sunday 28: On Optimism (3) - Real world examples
Juli 03
Rainy Sunday 27: Doubling down on why there are reasons to be optimistic & positive
Juni 19
Rainy Sunday 26: On why optimism is the best choice
Juni 05
Rainy Sunday 25: Why “Shadow Work” is draining us of our energy & reviewing my article about the food crisis
Mai 15
Rainy Sunday 24: Coping with anxiety - Acceptance & Commitment Therapy
Apr. 24
Rainy Sunday 23: About inflation & why I am worrying about it
Apr. 17
The magic of "Games People Play” - Eric Berne
Apr. 03
Rainy Sunday 21: A must-read article, global food supply in 2022 and the Oscars
März 13
Rainy Sunday 20: The paradox of too many people "contributing"
Feb. 27
The Tracking - Reflect regularly on doing the right things and doing things right
Feb. 20
The Future - Setting goals for your Areas of Interest
Feb. 13
Rainy Sunday 19: My cousin interning & what young adults need to learn
Feb. 06
The Present - Who you are & how it derives from values & principles
Jan. 23
The Past - Reflect on how you acted and understand why
Jan. 09
How to do your Annual Review & Planning
Jan. 09
Rainy Sunday 17: How should you approach a new year?
Nov. 28
Rainy Sunday 13: How Seasons influence my work
Nov. 21
Rainy Sunday 12: 2021 Review, Toulouse & Berlin
Nov. 14
Rainy Sunday 11: Review of the movie "Dune" (non-commercial)
Nov. 08
Rainy Monday 10: Getting motivated by feedback & (BDSU) events without masks
Okt. 31
Rainy Sunday 9: A new Renaissance or through to conformism? (Part 2)
Okt. 24
Rainy Sunday 8: A new Renaissance or straight through to complete passivism?
Okt. 17
Rainy Sunday 7: On reunions after years & what it means to "feeling good"
Sep. 19
Rainy Sunday 6: 6/6 Learnings from the Pandemic
Sep. 12
Rainy Sunday 5: 3/6 Learnings from the Pandemic